First, there's no denying that all individual rights are important. Some of us just don't have the interest to champion them all. There's enough people with such interests to do so. I don't see gun ownership having no voice here or in general for that matter in the whole country.

Second, personal freedoms are sacred until it endangers other people's right. For instance, people have the right not to get shot in the movie theater, wouldn't you agree?

Third, there's a national database for cars, all sort of licensing, mandatory insurances and the like. Has it eroded the people's right to drive? Or has it become more manageable and safer? Wouldn't you say that this resistance toward such measures is more about taking advantage of paranoia than anything else? For instance if NRA doesn't cry wolf while undermining the laws that are already in place, would gun owners pour money into their cause?

And finally, even if you have all the guns in the world, you are no match for your government. Don't go about thinking that having the right to bear arms would protect you from your government. What's protecting you from your government is first and foremost the 1st amendment.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones