some people also forget to mention these few words, "shall not be infringed". people can debate the meaning of the 2nd amendment all day long, and opposing viewpoints are going to be a constant. here it is... "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." notice the comma, a way of seperating different parts of a sentence. we can debate the well regulated part, but its pretty obvious to me that was referring to the militia. we can then debate the whole militia thing, and many are going to claim that constitutes the national guard. i don't see it that way, but whatever.

as for that chart, it would be more accurate if they included all murders. i'm not saying we still wouldn't be right near the top, but people who are so often focused on simply gun violence and murders seem to ignore other forms of violence. it also seems to conveniently leave out every single other country with a high firearms related death rate such as mexico, russia, brazil, south africa ect. they do this under the cover of "civilized western culture", but the sad fact is that the US is hardly a country that isn't severely effected by 3rd world problems common to the other countries i mentioned. crime, poverty and lack of opportunity are still at epidemic levels here, most often effecting the urban communities the most, which is suprisingly where the highest levels of gun violence occur.

our country is a diverse one born and bred on violence, and thats something that is hard to change quickly. our country is also home to the most diverse criminal groups, be it organized or street gangs. my solution to lower the gun violence is pretty simple. first, stop with all of the phony foreign aid until all of our economic and social problems over here are fixed! second, its time to re-evaluate the modern day disaster known as the war on drugs. regardless of your position on the gun debate, i don't think that there is anybody here who would argue that the illegal drugs trade is not responsible for the overwhelming majority of the gun violence, and just violence in general here.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!