Originally Posted By: dontomasso
This is different than some story you have about a gun show that did check your background.

laws are different from state to state, and you shouldn't just dismiss somebody's real-world experience because it bothers you. there are a few people in this thread who seem almost blind, and unwilling to learn anything that they disagree with. i've posed this question to you before, but much like anything that you disagree with, you choose to ignore it. here it is again: how many gun shows have you been to? are you familiar with the format, because it sure doesn't seem like it.

i have been to a few, and from my real-world experience, not what tv tells me, this is the general setup: its basically just a series of booths set up by both firearms manufactures and as well as distributors, like local gunshops and websites. both of these groups are required to have an ffl, and thus, are required to do a backround check on all firearms purchases. now, depending on state law, private sales may go down, and they do, but its pretty rare, and they are usually discouraged. its no different than any other private sale in a state in which those sales are already allowed. also, i've addressed the internet sales many times in this thread, but many of you still seem to be sure that you can just buy a weapon no questions asked and have it shipped to your house.

its all not even really worth arguing about for the simple fact that the legislation is dead in the water, and its unlikely to see the light of day for some time. blame it on the evil bloodthirsty nra all you want, but they speak for millions of law abiding americans, despite what some silly poll of a few thousand people might have you believe. the nra does alot of good, they are one of the biggest proponents and financial supporter of firearms safety classes that so many people seem to advocate. if you guys despise the nra so much, the simple solution is to donate some of your own money to the brady campaign or the wet dream organisation of that silly authoritarian dope from nyc, mayors against illegal(all) guns.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!