Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: bigboy
I wouldn't be shocked to see obama throw her under the bus now that she's served him, and endorse his wife. Benghazi isn't going to disapear much as they would like to. She has a lot of dirty laundry out there - Going as far back as Rose law firm records, WH travel office and many other lies. One thing is certain- it won't be boring

Not gonna happen. In 2016 people will think Benghazi is some kind of stuff you rub on a sore back. And Lindsey Graham wont be around to remind us. Well, if he is, no one will be paying attention.

You are correct- a lot of low information voters will forget or not even know about Benghazi, however that is going to blow up. Attorneys aer already threatening suits under the whistleblower law that people are being threatened if they talk. Living here next to Ft Bragg, I talk to a lot of people knowledgeable on the subject and we haven't heard the end of Benghazi. I also think she might be too old, but who knows.