I didn't get to watch Sunday's episode until last night. It was the best of the season thus far IMHO. smile

I love in particular how the show has reflected major incidents of the time. Probably because I remember them. When they were at the awards dinner and someone shouted that Dr. King was dead, I had to rewind because I wasn't sure what happened. Then the riots, turmoil, fear, etc. They briefly covered JFK's assassination and RFK's was in June of 68, so i assume they'll touch on that Very reflective of the times/tensions. frown

I don't like Peggy's new boss/company but am glad she seemed to show a little compassion toward her boyfriend regarding the apartment. I'm guessing she'll go back with the Draper company. Oh, and I imagine 28,000 for an apartment in NY back in the 60's was quite a bit of money no?

I read before I saw the episode that critics were surprised that when Don & his son went to see Planet Of The Apes, that the show gave away the ending of the movie. I suppose if I hadn't seen it, I'd be disappointed, but then again, most have seen it I would think.

Don's admission in the end about how he felt about his kids? uhwhat Wow, the guy has issues but hey, he was honest. And I sort of felt bad for Megan, who is pregnant.

On a sidenote, the guy who plays Mike (I think that's his name). You know, the guy who's father fixed him up on a date without him knowing? Especially that scene in the restaurant, is it just me, or did I see shades of a young Pacino? I don't know this actor, but especially during that scene something reminded me of Pacino. Take another look if you can.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon