This is pretty obvious, but I think this administration and in general democrats have no chance to get any gun regulations done, no matter how bad the next massacre is going to be. With this political climate that roughly half the country thinks an apocalypse is upon them, or that their president is a Muslim socialist or that they fear the collapse of the economy, they wouldn't be willing to give any control over their guns to the government. If gun control is to happen, it might happen at a time that republicans are in power, economy is pretty strong and these massacres hit a bit closer to home for some of NRA lobbyists.

All in all, gun culture might go out of date, as it did in many other countries. You look at everything else and there's heavy regulation, be it smoking indoors to food and drugs to many environmental issues, but in the middle of this heavily regulated society, gun ownership goes rampant. It just doesn't make sense to go on like this. People would have to see this when they are more comfortable with their government, when they are not this divided to the far left and the far right.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones