Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
I agree that there is nothing wrong with disagreeing, I respect your opinion. It was the tone the discussion assumed that made me criticize you, not because you disagree with religion, even though I understand why you may feel offended by IvyLeague.

A small digression: speaking of communism, I really don't get it why it doesn't or barely does tolerate religion. In my opinion, some points in communist ideology have very much in common with the way of living of early Christians during the Roman Empire, such as sharing the goods and the absence of rich and poor. In fact, the communist idolizing of political leaders seems just a substitution to worshiping of God.

Well, we don't have to respect each others' opinion. We really can't respect it, unless we accept it. We can however respect our rights to have different opinions.

Now with that out of the way, I really didn't care to read passed the "Labor is a commodity." argument, because if we went with it today, the population would dictate the price of labor as well, just as when you produce more gold the price of gold would drop. If we let the price of labor be determined as any other commodity, we would be done with the minimum wage and all the labor protective measures that we have tried so hard to enforce.

So if you want to talk about communism, I think you should do it with someone who is a little bit more interested in that subject than I am.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones