Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
...it's just I feel that generally in the modern society the religious are more on the defensive, while those who oppose them are more often on the offensive.

And that's because we see many hateful things are being done by followers of religions and in the name of religions. I don't think I need to give examples for Muslims. Then we come to picketing funerals of gay folks. Why shouldn't religious people be on the defensive here? They have incited the rest of us to be on the offensive and question the legitimacy of their beliefs.
Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011

Theoretically, what you are saying can be considered logical. However, my personality isn't one of a person that bases himself EXCLUSIVELY on scientific facts and logical rationality, but also on faith. You don't have to agree with that and may even personally think it's retarded, but it's just me.
However, even IF we suppose God was made up, I am sure it wouldn't be to control and manipulate people. Most ideals are originally introduced for good purposes (as cruel as the Old Testament might be, what was before it was even worse: no rules, just the law of the strongest), it's another thing that people then start twisting them for their purposes.

I could see that a two polar government in the ancient times be helpful toward common good. I could see it be even good in these days, if they denounced certain things. As I said, I wouldn't be against a religion that doesn't spread hatred. It's really hard to find a reason to be against Buddhism. wink

Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
Nothing to say here. If you think it's right, do as you wish, I have nor power nor desire to judge you. However, please notice that, even though I don't personally agree with you, I am not calling your point of view "twisted".

My views are twisted to what? Because as I said, I see religious views being twisted into hatred of others. It's a fact that such views are twisted. But if you have grounds to say my views are twisted into something, I wouldn't say you are rude or anything.

I understand your point of view and you being angry for discrimination of homosexuals. However, I just think you are generalizing all religious people as haters. I never made hate speeches against homosexuals in my life, neither did religious people who are relatives or friends of mine. I personally don't like it, but that's a matter of tastes. If somebody engaged in homosexual relationships just to try something "new", that would be twisted in my opinion, just like religion is for you. But, since most homosexuals are born with such inclinations, I wouldn't see the point of arguing with them about it. By the way, I don't know any homosexual personally.
If you know for sure about religious people who are rude, aggressive, intolerant etc, I understand. I can speak only for those whom I personally know. I admit I never heard about a Christian dedicating himself/herself to the cause of homosexuality, but many of them help homeless people, orphans etc, that's no less important in my opinion.
As for Muslims, I don't agree with this religion, but not because of the cultural differences, but because Muhammad historically used to be a leader of a gang of robbers who preyed on caravans. I don't see the point of idolizing such a person, but I don't think all Muslims are bad people. I knew an Arab from Egypt when I was at school, and he is a nice guy. Terrorists are just rabid dogs on the loose (not meaning to disrespect real dogs), and not all of them are necessary Islamic.

Willie Marfeo to Henry Tameleo:

1) "You people want a loaf of bread and you throw the crumbs back. Well, fuck you. I ain't closing down."

2) "Get out of here, old man. Go tell Raymond to go shit in his hat. We're not giving you anything."