Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
I never understand people being belligerent in name of ANY ideal, being it religion or something opposite. In my opinion, it just casts a shadow on the ideal in question. I didn't call you swine or anything like this. The way IvyLeague expresses himself is his problem, but it's one thing to criticize religion as such and another to criticize people who are interpret it in their own way.
The difference between our positions is that I wouldn't insult you just because you hate my ideals, why you proudly declare you would include me in what you are saying.

See, there's no difference. You would include me in what's happened in another forum, which I've no idea what has happened. I'd have to denounce each and every atheist who has done you wrong, but at the same time, you don't see the need to denounce what others do in the name of your religion. Why is that? Even so, you keep the right of particular non "fad" churches to preach hatred toward homosexuality, but when time comes to question the legitimacy of such a religion, you cry respect. You can't have it both ways I'm afraid, since it's clearly written in the bible that homosexuality is a sin, therefore you can't have both your religion and my respect at the same time. I don't have to respect your views or not question them. I do however respect your right to have a twisted religious belief, even when I say it is in the wrong.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones