Originally Posted By: Dwalin2011
[I understand what you are saying, but homosexuality supporters are often no better. I know what I am talking about because I was once insulted and attacked on another forum not even because I said something against homosexuality, but because I defended a 14-year-old Catholic user who was ganged upon by some people who said they were homosexuality supporters (not being homosexuals themselves). If we don't make hate speeches, but just say we PERSONALLY don't like it, why be rude to us, especially if it brings them on the same level of those they hate? It's a matter of tastes like anything else.
And, if somebody uses religion to manipulate others, they usually don't believe in anything themselves, but just want power. A true believer would never use religion as a tool.

I really don't have to deal with your baggage from another forum now, do I? And I don't think I defended each and every person who is defending homosexuals on each and every other point or the way they debate. I do see you calling me rude in the few pages back, and refraining from calling the other side rude when they use "pearl and swine" analogy, so I see you are biased yourself. I don't know what any of what you said has anything to do with me. I hate the religion that makes it its agenda to spread hatred, and I'd go atheist militant on them to out them as the manipulative power thirsty institutions that they are.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones