Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

I can perfectly reconcile it. I've explained this before, though I know it will fall on deaf ears, as far as you're concerned. God did not "create" homosexuality anymore than He "created" cancer, war, or smog. These are all part of living in a fallen world, which resulted from Adam and Eve's choice to partake of the forbidden fruit. Before they made that choice, which was ultimately part of God's plan, God's creation was perfect.

Anyway, talking about this stuff with you is the classic throwing pearls before swine. I've read enough of your opinions on life to just feel sorry for you. The irony with you and a lot of other atheists is, you make this big pretense of your position being based on logic, but if one digs deep enough, your atheist positions always stem from something emotional. Like I said before, whether you believe it or not, you and the rest are in for a big wake up call one day. And we both know that is always, somewhere, in the back of your mind. No matter how much you ramble on about "randomness," "no grand design," etc.

You know, I'm perfectly happy to play swine to your pearls(!) so long as you wish to throw them here. You say you wouldn't want to do that, but then your posts creep after a few days with more of the same nonsense. Oh, and the vanity! Yeah, these are pearls all right. lol

Your kind sits on high horse and manipulates the weak who can't reconcile with the injustice, meaninglessness and randomness of this world into believing there's something more to this apparent confusion. Your kind get their money and fill their heads with hatred of what's different from what they are in order to be able to continue taking advantage of them. And your kind does it with a clear conscience because at the back of your minds, you know there's not going to be a reckoning, or you wouldn't be throwing your so called pearls(!) so unconscionably. Yeah, I'm not feeling sorry for you, but for those who believe your nonsense pearls.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones