Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Whoa, back up. While homosexuality is obviously disgusting (and you'd admit that if you were honest), it's not the "primary reason" I'm against it. That's just you making a strawman argument to knock down.

Here is a bit of honesty for you: Two fat people having sex, unclothed is disgusting to me. Homosexual sex is not. Unless again, they are really fat and don't have their clothes on.
I resent you calling me dishonest. You have no right to tell me what I should be disgusted with and then question my honesty. uhwhat

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

That heterosexuality is natural, as it perpetuates the species, should be obvious to everyone. Likewise, on the flip side, homosexuality is unnatural. You and other social liberals can try to move the lines by playing the moral relativism game but it doesn't change the facts.

What is so hard for you to understand, is that how on earth it is possible for a person to be homosexual, and that be an act of God to have made such a person who is clearly against all he wishes humans to be. You can't reconcile with the idea that some of each species, randomly have no desire to mate with their opposite sex. Because everything is random. There is no grand design. You call a nonsense fact, while fact is, a homosexual is work of nature as is a heterosexual. That clearly shows the randomness of everything in this world. But someone who has a god delusion cannot see this straight.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones