Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
You tell me how an uneducated farmer wrote a book in two months and was able to read languages that didn't even exist when the plates were written.

For the record, the specific engravings on the plates, which were translated into the Book of Mormon, were in what was called "Reformed Egyptian." They were Egyptian characters that were uniquely altered by the people who kept the records. And Egyptian certainly did exist at the time the plates were made.

Ivy it should be noted no non-Mormon scholar acknowledges the existence of "reformed Egyptian" or the script within the golden plates as a language. It also should be noticed that the angel took the plates back after joesph was done translating them. Interesting coincidence as we now cannot confirm they ever existed. Also the 11 Mormon witnesses were all close friends, family or financial backers to Joseph Smith, during a time when these people believed heavily in the supernatural (magic and witches for ex.) which we now know there is no such thing.

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