Barrett - I agree with your characterization of Rosselli. Johnny was very well connected and powerful. I have never understood his position on the west coast other than the Outfit's man out there. I sense that he had much more power than the LA or SF / SJ family bosses.

There was tension between St Louis and Chicago toward the end of Giordano's life. He and Auippa did not see eye to eye, mostly because Giordano was pissed that Rosselli gave him up and Auippa allowed Wortman to move into some of the St Louis action in the unions and vending / gambling.

Detroit and St Louis were always tight - there were family relations between the 2 cities, and many of the early Detroit guys moved there from St Louis (Licavolli, Tocco, Gianolla and Vitale are last names you will find in both cities).

Last edited by TonyG; 04/22/13 12:44 PM.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.