Anyway, I saw briefly Fox News running a segment asking if the public is too PC about Muslims. Instead of talking about those people allegedly arrested in connection possibly with this bombing/mayhem. Which if you ask me is actual NEWS, not ideological porn which some people actually confuse for news these days.

I mean the fuckin' Chechnyans. Is this a plot by people connected with them in an international conspiracy or just somebody isolated activists who wanted to kill people to bring attention to their cause? Are they bringing their cause over here instead of just in Russia?

i read an article about muslim americans before these guys identities were known, it was about how they were hoping that it wasnt someone of arabic or muslim descent. To be honest i dont see what they are so worried about because lately when it comes to mass murder on american soil against american citizens, muslims should be the least of fox news is worries. And if we are being too PC about muslims what about young white men who walk into movie theatres, schools and places of worship to kill more than the three people these animals killed.

I thought chechyans were only in the movies, its like a die hard movie with the throwing bombs out of cars and shit.