Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Exactly right. The media coverage of this was so full of mistakes, false conclusions and gibberish, it was really difficult to follow it.

Next up? Some right wing crazy is going to say Obama set the whole thing up and that the lock down in Boston is the precursor to his "inevitable" declaration of martial law.

I heard that conspiracy talk at my workplace yesterday, how Obama wants to "distract" the public from his nefarious plans and North Korea. (BREAKING NEWS: North Korea still full of hot air. Carry on!)

Which really is fucking stupid when you think for a hard minute about this concept. People have short attention spans. By next week, we'll be worried about some other shit going on in the news. More and more, news cycles are increasingly shrinking thanks in part to the Internet. Nevermind the problem with why most conspiracy theories: Too many people know, too many bodies to bury if they want to talk or leak to the media.

Anyway, I saw briefly Fox News running a segment asking if the public is too PC about Muslims. Instead of talking about those people allegedly arrested in connection possibly with this bombing/mayhem. Which if you ask me is actual NEWS, not ideological porn which some people actually confuse for news these days.

I mean the fuckin' Chechnyans. Is this a plot by people connected with them in an international conspiracy or just somebody isolated activists who wanted to kill people to bring attention to their cause? Are they bringing their cause over here instead of just in Russia?

That information might actually be fucking relevant.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 04/20/13 11:15 AM.