I have been questioning my beliefs lately on whether there actually is a Heaven and Hell, and who exactly goes to these places. As hard as it is to believe sometimes, I do believe that there is a Heaven and Hell.

I think that all people will be able to go to Heaven unless they committ a murder, rape someone, or molest a child. But what if someone murders someone in self defense? Will God forgive them and allow them to go to Heaven? What if someone gets an abortion? What if someone hires someone to kill someone? What if by violating one of the Ten Commandments once in your life enables you to go to Hell instead of Heaven? What if someone does not go to confession months and/or years before they die?

These are all unanswerable questions that I would like answered, but will we all have to wait and find out until we die? Is there anyway of correcting yourself if you do murder someone or committ another harsh act? How to people live with killing people or hurting people as if it's nothing? -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur