Originally Posted By: dontomasso
WOW! I saw they had a suspect. If they have made an arrest, lets see the evidence. I cannot believe one personm acted alone here. I agree if they have the right guy, or even one of them thats first class work by all the above named authorities. They need to try this SOB in federal court because Mass. has no death penalty....then again they could try him in Mass. State Court first and then try him on the Federal charges. That way they can put him in a "special wing" of a state prison...one of those wings where all the guards hapeen to be looking in the wrong direction should some unfortunate accident befall him.
Or just take him to Southie and let the good Irish folks there handle him.

"Death is the answer to all problems. No man, no problem."

"I'd rather be hated for who i am, than loved for who i am not"