Originally Posted By: ThePolakVet
Ok, I get it, God personally called you last Monday and you both had a conversation for two hours how he hates them homosexuals.

No, not exactly like that. And nobody said God "hates" homosexuals.

Ok, take it like this. The bible says you are not allowed to eat meat for that time of the year. What you do? You don't eat meat, because the bible says. You practically do everything religion says you to do, that way you're being manipulated.

Oh, how I do love when the non-believers misquote the Bible in order to make a point.

Where in the Bible does it say one shouldn't eat meat at a certain time of year? The law of Moses certainly forbade eating certain kinds of meat. But that was done away with with the coming of Christ. Catholics, from my understanding, do abstain from meat on Good Friday but that's out of tradition and not specifically commanded in the Bible.

And this isn't about me thinking who I am. I respect religion, I take my mother to the church, because she wants it. But I'm not a part of it. I just think that we as a human are the only one in the whole world who can control our lives. Everything you do is your own fault, not because God wanted it to happen.

I'd be the first to agree that we all have our free agency, and so are responsible for our own choices. But it's not like our free agency and the existence of God are mutually exclusive.

Just like you say religion is against homosexuals. So, what has a person done there wrong if he is in love with another person? That's not a sin in my eyes, no matter how'd you try to convince me what the bible says. As a sin I take murder or doing something bad to someone, that's a sin.

It may not be a sin in your eyes but you're not the one who gets to make the rules. Frankly, even God Himself doesn't make the rules either but also has to obey eternal law.

And religion should change first, as an example pursue and prosecute all those pedophile priests not cover them up. And even covering them up is a bigger sin than being a homosexual, in my opinion.

Agreed, though they're both sins.

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