Just wanted to say something about that homosexuality matter.
I have always been neutral towards homosexuality in a sense that, even though I personally don't like it, I never forced my views on others and don't consider homosexuals as inferior people. But I once saw on a forum a Catholic 14-year-old user being ganged up, insulted and treated with extreme arrogance by homosexuality supporters (who are not homosexuals themselves, at least that's what they say) just because he stated he personally agreed with the statement from the Bible that homosexuality was a sin. It must be said they were headed by the admin of the site who proudly stated he didn't believe in God, but behaved himself in such an arrogant way, as if he thought he himself was God who can never be wrong under any circumstances, not just about homosexuality. I intervened, trying to be as polite as possible and said being rude to others is wrong under any circumstances as long as the insulted ones aren't rude themselves (and this user wasn't, believe me) and stated my position (more or less the same that I said to you in the first sentences of this post. The fact is that not only excrements were thrown at me and I was later banned, but the admin even started spreading rumors on the forum that I have been banned for continuously harassing another user through PMs (I have sent to this user only one PM in my life, which contained only a polite request to make peace after a previous argument).

So, imagine what can I think about the so-called "homosexuality supporters" now that I have seen what methods they use (at least those of them whom I came into direct contact with).

Why am I telling you this? Because I think that the modern society is falling into extreme just like in the middle ages, only in another aspects of life. While then the Church was often wrong in the past, many of the today's "human right advocates" behave themselves in the same manner. If they pretend to be right, they should use different methods from whom they despise.
Otherwise, it's would be like turning racism (or any other prejudice for that matter) backwards and start saying that whites are inferior than blacks just like before blacks were said to be inferior than whites.

I mean, everybody should have the right to stick to their opinion without being looked upon as an enemy. But no, many people want to be absolute winners and crush and humiliate the other side.
I don't know, maybe many people who proclaim themselves Christians are intolerant or even violent too, but if I speak from personal experience, I found the opposite side much more aggressive for the most part (I am not speaking about the users in this discussion on this forum).

Last edited by Dwalin2011; 04/15/13 10:02 PM.

Willie Marfeo to Henry Tameleo:

1) "You people want a loaf of bread and you throw the crumbs back. Well, fuck you. I ain't closing down."

2) "Get out of here, old man. Go tell Raymond to go shit in his hat. We're not giving you anything."