Here's Obamas statements if anyone hasn't seen them -

President Obama has just made a statement from the White House briefing room. He expressed condolences and prayers for the victims, and stressed that details are still emerging.

Earlier today I was briefed on the events in Boston. We'll continue to monitor and respond to the situation as it unfolds.

The American people will say a prayer for Boston tonight. Michelle and I send our thoughts and prayers ...

"We don't yet have all the answers. Multiple people have been wounded, some gravely , in explosions at the Boston Marathon.

Obama said he has spoken with the FBI director and the department of homeland security to coordinate the federal response.

He's also spoken with Massachusetts leaders.

"Boston police, firefighters and first responders responded heroically, and continue to do so as we speak," Obama said.

He urges people not to jump to conclusions.

We still do not know who did this and why. And people should not jump to conclusions. But make no mistake. We will found out who did this and why they did this. Any responsible group or individuals will feel the full weight of justice.

We're still in the investigation stage. But I just want to reiterate: We will find out who did this and we will hold them accountable.

He did not use the word "terrorism" to describe the explosions.