Dwalin2011 there I did with you, but with being Puritan in general. Morality exacerbated at best, has produced only damage. With Prohibitionism created the modern mafia, were born with cocaine are born the cartels of Medellin cali, the farc of Salvatore Mancuso and Mexican cartels.
What would these criminal organizations, if were legalized marijuana, cocaine, prostitution and gambling; passarebbero to another, but in a gesture of how the country was going to take the important sources of income.
Of course there will be a social cost, but serebbe equal to that caused by tobacco or alcohol from.
And for those who likens legalizazzione of soft drugs, gambling, etc. to legalize murder, I say, and it is my opinion that those who take drugs do so for various reasons: curiosity, desire to escape from reality, etc. and it is their right and should be respected. while the murder you violate the right of a person to life, which is why it can not be legalized