Saviano: "The cocaine? We must legalize it »
And reveals: "In the U.S., I lived under a false identity"

The author of "Zero Zero Zero": "From the narcos money to the banks'

In the thanks that closes his latest book, Zero Zero Zero, Roberto Saviano mentions such David Dannon "that for six months, he make me fells to be another person, free and almost happy." Since the autumn of 2006, when the success of Gomorrah has become his malediction, Saviano living under police protection. Protection which is a prison, because it precludes any possibility of living a normal life, eating a pizza, watch a match at the stadium, starting a family. David Dannon is none other than the same Saviano, the identity that the writer has
put in six months of true life that is granted in the United States: "I ​​was able to attend parties, go to university, walk down the street without fear - says now -. These days have been important to remember that a freedom is possible "

THE INVESTIGATION - In the United States Saviano began to investigate the cocaine universe . An investigation that soon for him has turned into an obsession: "I have continued to store information and material on cocaine. I came to compose word 600 pages, over 800 for a book. Then we had to cut. But I have had to rip out of hand, I would have continued to try, try, try. "The truth is reflected on the bottom of the abyss. Saviano digs, brings to light, and connects the facts. Through the alkaloid of the cocaine reads the world. The mechanism of
financial markets and the economic strategies of countries, multinational corporations and the banks, they remain entangled in the web of the drug: "The coke is the goods of the goods, drug trafficking is the largest company in the world - he explains -. Antonio Maria Costa, head of the United Nations drug office, in 2008, said: the income of drug trafficking have served to save many of the European banks. No one has denied it. The reality is that Europe is perfect for recycling. The euro, the cut from 500 in particular, is the narco currency
par excellence. "

LEGALIZATION - For Saviano drug trafficking can be defeated in only one way: "Legalization is the only way - says -. Faced with the billions that cocaine moves in the world there is no alternative. Sure it has a social cost important, but we must consider that we are talking about a round of illegal business that exceeds 300 billion in revenue and pollutes the entire world economy. "Zero Zero Zero, to be precise Triple Cero, was the nickname given to Salvatore Mancuso, head of the Colombian paramilitaries (AUC) and big piece of the drug world.

The book tells his story and that of the main Colombian and Mexican drug traffickers, we reconstruct the battles between the cartels and the incredible ferocity of killers are able to torture the DEA agent Kiki Camarena, thrusting a steel screw in the skull, then screwed with sadism until he lost consciousness from the pain. Written as a travel diary at the end of human misery, Zero Zero Zero tells the thousand faces of criminal
violence, the innocent victims, torture, mutilation inflicted on those who rebel.

THE PRISON OF ESCORT - 2310 days, 38 thousand hours. Saviano brings the bill of his "imprisonment" with anguish that emerges from many of the pages of his latest book. "When can I say free? - Sighs - Who knows, maybe when the process will end with two of the most notorious boss of the Camorra. "In the meantime, he lives his work as a mission. And is little wonder that after seven years the focus on the issues reported with Gomorrah is diminished. "The fault is of the media," he says, "as well as politics. In the last election campaign no one has talked about the mafia. "He continues to do so. In fact it never stopped, even if, at some point, perhaps he would have agreed. "Now I spend my time to clear the check boxes on the calendar. Many live my own condition, you should break up with the need for military defense, and to feel safe people regardless of what they do, from what they say or write. "