Originally Posted By: Danito
Obviously, you do confuse the two. Secularism has nothing to do with what a person believes. It's about the seperation between religion and government. As far as I know that was one of the most important issues of the founding fathers, so important that they made it the 1st amendment. If you want to know what the opposite of secularism is, ask Afsaneh about her country.

Of course it does. Secularism involves the belief that religion and government should be separated.

Once again, the first amendment is about not establishing a state religion. To bring up whatever country Afsaneh is from is a bad example because I'm guessing it's a Muslim country and Islam is basically the state religion there.

Originally Posted By: afsenah77
So suppose a Muslim gets elected to the office. Do you say he/she can make laws that are tenets of sharia, yet since they technically have not established sharia as the main law of the land, it's all good and constitutional? Or is it just okay for Christians? And what about the rest of people who might be nonbelievers and do not share the same standards?

Please don't twist the 1st amendment. It's very simple and clear. You not only can't establish a specific religion as the main religion, you cannot trample upon people's right to live their life they way they choose to live. Any official might have a personal and religious view as to what is right and what is wrong, but they certainly can't make or uphold laws that disenfranchise some people for no good reason other than their personal beliefs. They have to serve all people.

A Muslim politician here is certainly free to introduce and make laws that are influenced by their religion. Of course, it doesn't mean all of them will be accepted.

Originally Posted By: Lilo
No that's not what you said. What you wrote was

You said I claimed they didn't believe in God. I never said anything about whether they believe in God, generally speaking. I said their actions show they don't take their Christian religion seriously.

Originally Posted By: Lilo
And then when challenged to produce hard evidence for your factual assertion that both men are pretending to believe you couldn't do so and starting ranting about their actions. In short you're begging the question here. It's a simple logical fallacy. You need to improve your writing style and refrain from making statements you can't back up. Opinion <> Fact. You make assumptions for which you have no evidence and get nasty when someone asks for proof. And on this board I don't believe I ever wrote who I voted for in any election but you'll continue to make assumptions, I am sure.

I did back them up. What better proof do you need then their actions? I give you examples of how their actions conflict with Christianity and that's when you have to start mealy mouthing about all the different types of Christianity in order to avoid the point. Anyone who isn't a liberal partisan hack - that doesn't include you - can see Obama and Biden are just going through the motions because it's politically expedient.

If you were truly honest, you'd admit that Obama suddenly arriving at his current official position on gay marriage was manufactured. But you won't. When it comes to the ever present problem of liberal partisanship on this board, there is no better example then you.

Originally Posted By: Lilo
Ha! From what I've seen so far your understanding of anything outside of your own worldview, let alone the Bible, is rather limited. Being opposed to abortion and gay marriage are simply not required to be Christian. If you say otherwise, you're making stuff up, just like you made up the claim that the President and Vice-President are pretending to believe. And as usual you can't refrain from insulting anyone who believes differently than you do. Abortion is not mentioned in the Bible. And even it it were once again, we do not live in a theocracy. And I don't know too many "liberal partisans" who are also pro-life. But when you're stuck in Manichean worldviews, everyone that does not walk in lockstep with you is evil, stupid, misguided or one of THEM, right?

True, abortion is not specifically mentioned in the Bible. But the commandment not to kill certainly is. So, it doesn't take a genius, or even a believer, to understand that Christianity would be against abortion.

Besides, we've already seen you couldn't care less what's in the Bible to begin with. When you're not misrepresenting what it says (Paul only being "dismissive" about homosexuality), you're making arguments for why people should ignore it altogether.

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