Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
The only "right" you have, when it comes to the establishment clause in the first amendment is for the U.S. to not establish an official state religion, i.e. like the Church of England which the founding fathers had to deal with. It has nothing to do with law makers not using their religious influences in how they make laws. The latter is simply a perversion people, such as yourself, have made to thwart the original meaning to your whim.

So suppose a Muslim gets elected to the office. Do you say he/she can make laws that are tenets of sharia, yet since they technically have not established sharia as the main law of the land, it's all good and constitutional? panic Or is it just okay for Christians? And what about the rest of people who might be nonbelievers and do not share the same standards?

Please don't twist the 1st amendment. It's very simple and clear. You not only can't establish a specific religion as the main religion, you cannot trample upon people's right to live their life they way they choose to live. Any official might have a personal and religious view as to what is right and what is wrong, but they certainly can't make or uphold laws that disenfranchise some people for no good reason other than their personal beliefs. They have to serve all people.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones