Original geschrieben von: IvyLeague

Original geschrieben von: Danito
IvyLeague, do you confuse secularism and atheism?
A Christian can be a perfect secularist.

No, I'm not confusing the two. And I would disagree that a Christian can be a secularist on certain issues. For instance, Obama can't claim to be a believing Christian and then have the stance on abortion or gay marriage that he does. What's next? People claiming to be Christians but saying they don't believe Jesus ever existed?

Obviously, you do confuse the two. Secularism has nothing to do with what a person believes. It's about the seperation between religion and government. As far as I know that was one of the most important issues of the founding fathers, so important that they made it the 1st amendment. If you want to know what the opposite of secularism is, ask Afsaneh about her country.