Originally Posted By: Danito
A Christian can be a perfect secularist.

And a secularist can be a perfect ass.

This thread has gone on for at least ten pages too long. And I don't even have a horse in this friggin race. Bottom line: If your religious, you shouldn't proselytize. It's off putting and senseless. It places you just above the Moonies and Scientologists on the religious food chain.

If you're non-religious, you should practice the so-called tolerance that liberals are always preaching. Because I have to tell you, liiberals are only tolerant until people don't agree with them. Then they're capable of just as much hate as the far righties, and don't say they're not. ONE EXTREME IS NO BETTER THAN THE OTHER!!!!

And Olivant? You and I have always pretty much gotten along, I think, because of our shared Italian American heritage. But stop fucking correcting people. When you use those big snobby words, you sound like Little Carmine on "The Sopranos." And God knows that he was a retard.

And jumping down Carmela's throat for pointing out the obvious, and being CONSISTENT about it, is just bush league. Her posts are more articulate than 90 percent of the posters here all week long and twice on Sundays.

I have nothing else to offer to the "DOMA" debate. Ever. The only reason I even wrote this much is because I'm tired of reading this bullshit.

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.