Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
I would agree that Obama and Biden don't mirror traditional Christianity, and I don't think for a second they take it seriously. What I see is they both use it for political purposes. BUT that doesn't mean because they support abortion and gay marriage makes them any less Christian even if they were true followers of the religion. Plenty of Christians believe that gay marriage is fine (although I would say a fair number I know are against abortion)

At least you recognize Obama and Biden for what they are.

The plenty of Christians you speak of, who are fine with gay marriage are, at best, cafeteria Christians. They hold onto the religion, to a certain degree, for one reason or another. But they follow their own political and social ideology more religiously. Sorry, but homosexuality isn't one of those "grey" areas that's open to individual interpretation. Both the Old and New Testaments are very clear on the subject. Not just "dismissive" as Lilo was saying. So, for so-called Christians to go against that is a major thing. An apostate shift.

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
I don't argue that parts of the consitution and Declaration of Independence have "Judeo-Christian ethics" within their text. Many of the founding fathers were religious, but just as many if not more were athiest or deist. I say again our basic structure of law came from the Enlightenment and the basic blueprint was the British parliment and system of law, which at the time was the closest thing to a democracy on Earth. I also hold firm that religion should not interfere with politics or law making. It's dangerous and should be kept out of Congress and the White House. I personally don't agree with the "under God" line in our pledge of alleigance. God IMO has nothing to do with our nation or what goes on inside of it.

The last line in your post above is the most telling. In fact, it's scary that you and others really feel this way. You really do think God "has nothing to do" with this nation and what goes on inside it. It's that kind of secularism, which seeks to marginalize the idea of God if it can't remove it altogether, that will be the downfall of us.

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