I love the stupidity rampant in this thread, people demanding that their religious beliefs should become law (or stay law in DOMA's case) and be applied to everybody else as well. And nobody is aware of how shallow that line of thinking is.

Hey Christian Scientists don't believe in blood transfusions. How about we ban blood transfusions then?

Some Muslims in the Middle East (backed by Theocratic fascist governments and terrorists) accept banning women from driving. Maybe we should ban them from driving too.

Some liberal group thinks Tom Sawyer is a racist book. Let's ban it from libraries and bookstores then!

What the hell is wrong with you people? THINK!

If you want to believe in whatever bullshit you want to believe despite what common sense, common decency, and American values of freedom and equality and Christian themes of love and community, then unfortunately that's your right to be stupid. But dear God, please don't make the rest of us suffer simply because you're weak little tummy is naeseous and easily butthurt.

This is 2013. Not 1983. Or 1973. Or 1993. Or even 2003. Get over it and quit the belly aching. Your descendents will appreciate it. If still butthurt, call a Wahmbulance.

Originally Posted By: SgWaue86
I think marriage is meant to be between a man and women. That's the way I was raised and believe it to be correct. I am not saying I hate gays or think they deserve rights but IMHO marriage is meant to be between a man and women. I hope I haven't offended anybody.

Funny I came across suspiciously similar opinions I found in Letters to the Editor in several East Tennessee newspapers in the 1950s and 60s regarding that whole civil rights issue. And that's white people pissy that blacks wanted to like vote and ride a bus and shit. HOW BLASPHEMOUS!

(The issue of slavery caused the schism within the Baptist Church in America, thus the Southern Baptists left so they could conveniently argue that God in his Bible supported slavery. Hey, don't hate them. They were raised to believe in it.)

Besides, your "belief" as a meter for logicity is quaint when you explore the global history of marriage. Nevermind the whole rationality behind your argument can be easily construed for hate by other parties. ("can"? I'm sure, have already.) You're better than this.

You're not an ape. You're a human being, the one biologically/psychologically advanced creature alive on Earth. An sentient animal with the compacity to overcome its cultural programming for the greater good of yourself and everybody else. Over 1000s of years, we've created values that have been shaped and evolved.

And back to slavery. It was once an accepted way of life and economical livelyhood. Notice Mr. Christ never bothered to hate on slavery that much. Yet in the 18th and 19th centuries in the West, popular movement was made to abolish it on humanistic, Christian appeals that it was...you know, fucking slavery. America ended it by a bloody, pointless war.

Unlike the time of Christ and when the Bible was written, nobody in our time is raised to believe that slavery is acceptable. (With exception of CPAC '13, apparently.) In this regard, we're actually more civilized than that time period in history. Think about it.

Last edited by ronnierocketAGO; 04/09/13 10:00 PM.