I only argue that the internet is the best of all, you can get what you want then and there. It's your news paper, movie theater, TV, etc. Right now I prefer TV to movies. I'd be better off if TV wasn't this good and addictive, since a movies is at most 4 hours; but a TV series would become part of your life for days and years. Sometimes for the better, right now it is my refuge and sanctuary from the actual world.

I liked old TV series such as "I love Lucy" just as well as not so old series "Cheers." I see many current TV series and enjoy them. It's become better, but only because I prefer the recent times, compared to the more restricted attitudes of the old days. Also the better visuals, better aspect ratio, better screens, etc. Right now TV is a big part of my life, for the better or worse.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones