Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

Even if she had the opposite opinion on gay marriage, it would still be tasteless to use her kid like that.

And, by the way, there's no such thing as atheists. Everyone knows there's a God.

Taste is very subjective, isn't it? I don't find it tasteless.

Apparently in your bubble everyone knows there's a god, but not here. I don't.

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

I'm not saying disgust needs to be the reason to ban gay marriage. I just don't like you guys pretending like it doesn't disgust you too. You know it does but you guys are more concerned about appearing politically correct. Not only is homosexuality degenerate behavior (like the other stuff you mentioned above) but it's also unnatural. And the government has no business officially recognizing or legitimizing it.

First of all, it really doesn't disgust me. Now say if any two or more people had sex in front of me, that would be very uncomfortable for me, but if that's a porno movie, or a supposed situation in my head, I hardly ever find anything disgusting short of a very hardcore SM relationship.

Then we get to your point about what's natural and what's not. The whole point of this debate is that one side says this is a degenerate behavior which is picked up along the way and is unnatural, and the other side says homosexuals are naturally wired to like the same sex, as are left handed persons are wired to prefer their left hand. Science is on the side of the latter argument. That's what makes it definitive for me that homosexuality is as natural as heterosexuality. To make people go against their nature, which by the way doesn't harm anyone, is downright criminal.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones