Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Wow, so it's only okay when others teach their children that gay marriage is wrong, but not for those who think it's right? They don't get to talk about such stuff with their children or children of like minded parents?

So where is this religious freedom you were talking about? For someone who is so enthusiastic about religious freedoms, you don't have any respect for the right of those with different religious values, do you? I wonder what you have done for this right that you keep bragging about, except being born into it and by the looks of it, hating it.

While her filling her child's head with this garbage is disgusting and shameful, it's more about her exploiting her daughter almost as a prop here.

Originally Posted By: olivant
Babe, I think that many posts about this subject are a function of emotion and/or based on anecdotal information. Some of the objections to gay relationships, sexual practices, and marriage as expressed on this Board (or otherwise) are glandular. I remember a Cheers episode when it was Carla (I think) who expressed her sentiment about some type of relationship as "eww". I think that several of our Board members have that sentiment toward gay people and/or gay sexual practices, and/or gay marriage.

Despite a plethora of words posted in this thread, I 've not read any that state how gay marriage does or would affect non-gay marriage.

First of all, if you were 100% honest (which I'm not expecting) you'd admit that homosexual behavior between two guys disgusts you too. As even Dr. Drew said one time, it's basically a biological reaction of straight males when they see that stuff. So, unless you're gay yourself, you're going to have that gut reaction. You can pretend to be all enlightened and everything but it's BS.

Second, I posted an article containing several solid arguments against gay marriage, including how it would effect society. But my guess is, you didn't even bother to read it. If you were honest, you'd admit it doesn't matter how many good arguments people give you. You're steeped in this sick, liberal ideology and your mind is made up.

Originally Posted By: XDCX
Because they can't. Despite what many will claim, the United States is not a Christian nation. The seperation of church and state means the government cannot institute a national religion, and the government cannot interfer with the citizens' freedom of religion. Most are against because their faith tells them to be. And that is fine, just own up to it. But the bottom line is this, religious faith has no place in law making (see above explanation.)

I'm certainly against it because my religion is. But that's not the only reason. Even if I totally took my religion out of the equation, I'd still be against it. It comes down to common sense. Two men or two women being married? That people even take such an absurd idea seriously shows how bad it's gotten.

And don't give me that crap about "religious faith" has no place in law making. Despite what you secular liberals say, that's NOT what "separation of church and state" means. You just twist and pervert the meaning of that in order to marginalize religion as much as possible.

And by the way, as much as you may hate it, the U.S. is mostly a Christian nation in terms of population.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 04/08/13 10:10 PM.

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