Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
I've got a question, with this new chef craze. Is cooking actually fun? Looks like a giant pain in the ass to me!

cooking is fun when you're doing it for a some family/friends enjoying some booze, but certainly not on a professional level. working in a hot, fast paced environment on top of other people sucks. you need a great memory, and there are no deadlines, the deadline is right fucking now.

its even more of a pain in the ass because food isn't all the same. this steak is thicker than the last one, this part of the grill is hotter, this saute pan has a hole in it, this burner doesn't work. ditto for the staff. that waitress is a bitch, jose is all fucked up on heroin and can't stay awake, armando the dishwasher is drunk and we don't have any more fucking sizzle plates, it goes on and on. thats why, at least for now, i'm through with it. it sucks the fun out of cooking. the free(or stolen) booze is a nice perk though! wink

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 04/08/13 02:17 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!