Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
Ok, I will buy into some of these arguments. However lets out this in perspective, how much is a line chef command for pay? The Executive Chef should command a decent salary I agree, even the Sous Chef(Underboss we can call him) also a productive position. However if we think prices are high now wait until the line chefs and dishwashers get organized! And nothing for nothing I understand culinary school is rigorous and difficult, however we all started at the bottom? Had to tough it out along the way and work hard. With hard work comes responsibility and money? No? PB I. Sure you had to spend time as an apprentice before becoming a journeyman( not sure if that's the proper phrase) for your industry.

the pay for a top position is so incredibly subjective to start, it varies so much from place to place. there is generally a huge gap in pay between the #1 and #2, and the problem lies in that there are only so many #1 positions available, thus making it very hard for a talented #2 to make a very modest living. the gaps in pay are bigger than almost any other industry i can think of, and the illegal immigration situation is the main reason for that. its very hard to move up in pay for the simple reason that you can hire 3 for the price of one, and its very hard to overcome that.

the best bet for somebody looking to move up the ladder is to familiarize yourself with food and labor cost %, purchasing and ordering, more on the logistical side of things, which will help to set you apart from the rest. some people unfamiliar with the industry might look at my reasoning as nothing more than sour grapes, but once you get a feel for things from an insiders perspective, things become alot more clear.

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 04/08/13 02:03 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!