Originally Posted By: fathersson
Kind of reminds me about gun control. They had a system in place but didn't follow it, then bitch and clamp down on every good person who did things the right way in the first place.... when some things went bad.
Now there is a system/path that can be used and followed and it is not being used right... so instead of clamping down, just lower the standards and let everyone who did something wrong get a pass. Talk about bullshit in the works.

i agree, and no matter which way you look at it it only hurts the honest people in the end. i'm not too familiar with the current immigration process as it stands, so maybe it needs to be looked at and streamlined to make it easier for honest folks to get here the right way. with that said, i find the idea of just letting everyone here stay as nothing more than a slap in the face to not only every single immigrant who has come here legally, but to every single tax payer.

i work with these guys all the time, and i enjoy working with them, and like i said, i don't blame them for doing whats best for them and their families, but thats where it ends.

i spent years working in various kitchens, and the spanish guys are great workers, but they make it very hard to earn a decent living in that field. you have a huge group of people who watch top chef and all of these other food related programs, and spend alot of money going to culinary school with unrealistic views of their future. its a real bitter pill to graduate expecting the world, only to realize that your making $10/hour and paying taxes on it, while the dishwashers/prep cooks are making $8 cash.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!