i love these catchy names given to this kind of shit. immigration reform? more like a free for all for those who already broke the law and are here illegally. i've seen the damage that illegals have done first-hand in my last 2 professions, the restaurant industry and landscaping. forget the social costs, and forget money being shipped out of the country. its becoming increasingly hard for native born folks to earn a livable wage in those 2 fields because we have people willing to work for way less money.

call it whatever you want, but its bullshit. its alot easier for these guys to live off of $8/hour when they cram 20 guys into an apartment. i don't blame them, they are just taking advantage of a system which has for way too long been seemingly more concerned with the needs of people other than its own citizens. the loss of blue collar jobs is one of the biggest reasons our economy is shit imo, and this does nothing to help people earn an honest wage for a hard days work. this kind of shit will just make it even more appealing for more illegals to come pouring over, why not, they can just earn their citizenship once already here illegally.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!