Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Correct me if I'm wrong, Dapper, but aren't you Catholic? My point, of course, being there's an obvious conflict here. I remember reading one of your posts where, similar to Sicilian Babe, you said something about believing in Christ but moving away from the church. This seems little more than an excuse to retain the benefits of Christianity (being saved in Christ and all that) while being able to pick and choose what doctrines of the church you agree with and adhere to. In other words, what is known as "Cafeteria Catholicism." Joe Biden would be so proud.

This is a separation of church and state issue, PERIOD. Don't bring my personal religious beliefs into this to try and make a point. You wouldnt like it if I brought up Mormonism and and said I thought it was a joke. Dont you wonder about a church founded by a guy, found guilty of several charges of fraud and swindle, suddenly being shown golden tablets that only he can read behind a curtain. Then, when they get to the point where people are doubting and want to see the tablets, they disappear? Add in the whole wooden submarines, etc it gets about as rational as Scientology with its volcano spirits tormenting us.

I am a progressive Catholic, or what religious conservatives might refer to as "cafeteria catholicism" like you stated. I dont let the church (or any other religious institution) dictate what I should or shouldnt believe in, if somebody chooses to then to each their own. I believe in Christ and choose to worship him in my own way. I dont go out of my way to hate on Catholicism, never have. Sometimes one just has to use common sense instead of following something blindly. The fact is the institution of the Catholic Church has basically made up many of the rules they adhere to today as time went on, things that are not even in the bible. Like the rite of confession (twelfth century) to papal infallibility (came in 1870).

Last edited by Dapper_Don; 04/06/13 11:56 AM.

Tommy Shots: They want me running the family, don't they know I have a young wife?
Sal Vitale: (laughs) Tommy, jump in, the water's fine.