Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
FS, you have a very low bar. Why don't you compare the US to other European countries who did pass the law for the same sex marriage?

So a lady says her son doesn't like to get married. What does that do for another lady who does want her son to get married to his partner as he wishes? And since when if a minority wants something, no matter what low the percentage, that's just an uproar to settle a score?

And DOMA is going down by the looks of it. The wait is not that long for the gay rights.

I have a "Very Low Bar" because I am telling others about what I heard personally? The lady makes a point. I hear something that I think should be passed along to others and you don't like it so you go into attack mode?

Why are you attacking someone with a differnt view then your own? Aren't they entitled to their opinion just as much as you are to yours.

Your starting to sound just like the radicle people she is talking about. Be passion about your opinion, but please allow others theirs.

I personally hope you get all the rights that will make you happy. That is without trampling the rights of others doing it. Then again. I am thankful that I don't live where you do and people aren't killed like you were telling me this morning.

I'm not attacking you, I'm challenging your opinions. Opinions are open to discussion. Challenging it is not an attack. If I called you a bigot, then I had attacked you. I said you have a low bar, since you compare the country that stands for personal freedoms, with a country that's the biggest jail for journalists and those who dare voice their opinion. Yes, you do have a low bar. And that's my opinion of your opinion. You consider this an attack? Then you don't have an understanding of what an opinion and a discussion and an attack is.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones