Originally Posted By: fathersson

Damn. Now that is tuff...Then again Religon plays a major part over there. It sounds like the chance of any change coming in the future is nill.

That's the government. There's a huge gap between what government sanctions and what the youth today want the government to do. But I'm not sure even if the government suddenly changes, people be open to gay marriage here. Men are less homophobic, they kiss each other on the cheek here as a greeting, but I'm not sure they would be ready to have a discussion on gay marriage. Government was trying to push polygamy here, in the sense of religious form, one man, many women. People in big cities really rallied against it. They said it goes against the norm. Still they made it legal without the consent of the first wife and on the courts approval. Previously it was allowed only with the consent of the first wife, and well, that usually didn't happen. We are digressing from the topic though.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones