Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

Although it has been practiced in other cultures and religions in other parts of the world, as far as the issue at hand here in the U.S., polygamy (or plural marriage) was part of the Mormon religion back in the 1800's.

Now that is a thought...How has the rest of the world handled this Gay Marragie issue in other parts of the world....(I know, I know... we are not bound by what others do)So lets hear what you know.

wow.... still no words from around the world? This just can't be a U.S. problem....

I usually have a hard time understanding your posts or even worse your humor. You quote a post about polygamy, then ask from around the world how they handled gay marriage? Why don't you simply google? More than a handful of countries have legalized gay marriage. You could always check Wikipedia for details. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones