Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Well eventually all the private guns not subject to background checks will disappear by attrition. This won't happen overnight, but it is a step in the right direction. Bottom line is if someone uses an illegally obtained weapon in the commission of a crime he/she will sing like a canary when caught if there is even a hint of a reduced sentence.

I think the whole "assault weapon" issue, unfortunately, is too fuzzy to be enacted, but the background check is not.

As for the clips, I claim ignorance, however no one needs a clip of 30 rounds, let alone several of them.
Maybe there should be some kind of restriction on bullets.

let me ask you again, how is it possible to enforce backround checks on private sellers without a database of who has what? you cannot. if there is no way to enforce a law, despite how good it might seem, whats the point? again, as far as magazine capacity, who are you to judge what is necessary, particularly if you have little to no experience with guns in general? bullet control, please. these are the same tired arguments always made by people who on one hand, claim to be in support of the second amendment, while on the other hand welcoming any erosions of the rights of others simply because it doesn't effect them. its a damn good thing that we don't have a bill of needs! the states passing these laws should all be ashamed of themselves, as it has seemingly just turned into a race as to who gets the title of "toughest gun laws". add to that the blatant lack of knowledge possessed by those advocating the restrictions, and we are left with nothing more than a feel good cicle jerk.

case in point, Congresswoman Diana DeGette of colorado has recently come under fire for co-sponsoring a bill to further restrict magazine capacity in colorado, despite not knowing what they even are. this hack, when questioned, advocated the ban because after the people shoot the magazines, they will go away because they are "ammunition", and thus, over time they will disappear. regardless of your stance on guns in general, enough is enough with politicians pushing legisaltion that they either...

A: didn't even read, or

B: are totally clueless about.


It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!