the backround check provision sounds good on the surface, but it comes down to enforcement. how do you enforce backround checks between private sellers, without knowing who has what first? this is the part lost on many. this is why people claim, and rightfully so imo, that the provision is almost worthless without a database of who has what, and when it was acquired, otherwise known as gun registration. the vast majority of people would follow the provision, so they aren't the ones that you would have to worry about anyway.

as far as the line with regards to weapons, the common theme(verified by the supreme court) is small arms that are in common use at the time, which includes the evil black rifles that so many are wishing would disappear, despite a lack of understanding about the function. as far as magazine capacity, look at it however you want, but the 30 round magazines are "standard" for the AR platform, not "high capacity".

i'm no expert, but i have a fair bit of experience with all sorts of guns. magazine capacity restrictions would have little effects on mass shootings, but they can sure place a defensive shooter at a marked disadvantage. the simple fact is that unless we are talking about single shot weapons, all of these recent events have taken place in gun free zones, where the shooters are basically free to reload as many times as they please. these events are also all planned out, and defensive shootings are usually spur of the moment where adrenaline is flowing, and people miss, alot. same with cops in those very same situations.

the other problem that i run into with people arguing for reduced capaciy mags is the claim that having to reload will give someone a chance to act. forget the fact that a magazine can be changed in a matter of seconds, even by someone unskilled. i always wonder why its generally the same people arguing to give people a chance that are generally against guns in the schools, whether they be armed teachers, or security guards. just some food for thought.

Last edited by Five_Felonies; 04/04/13 01:15 PM.

It's either blue cheese with wings or go fuck yer mudda!