Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

While the attempt to draw a connection to past civil rights causes is obvious, the difference is her and her fellow gays want their relationships, and not just themselves, to be recognized differently by the government. They want gay "marriages" to be seen as equal to straight marriages and they're not. Sorry if that's not politically correct but it's the truth.

Originally Posted By: olivant
There is no US Code that makes polygamy illegal; the last code was repealed during the 1970s. While the definition of religious marriage is a function of individual religions, the definition of civil marriage is a function of state codes. Codes in all 50 states make civil polygamy illegal.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say but those codes are the result of people in this country deciding long ago what they do and don't consider marriage. It was decided long ago that marriage is one man and one woman. The only reason we're seeing the gay marriage issue raised now, despite nothing said all these years about polygamy, is that the libs sympathize with the gays and not with polygamists. Even though it's the polygamists who actually have a real case when it comes to their rights being denied.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.