Oh boy..here we go?!! Did you read the article I just posted. Simon created The Wire Kool-Aid and most folks are over-dosing because you claim this man's work as some grand masterpiece..GTFOH!!! What historical perspective are you talking about??

lol Well I dont know about no grand masterpiece. I mean it was great TV but I don't think I'd ever claim it to be some kind of 21st Century equivalent to the Sistine chapel ceiling.

I've read that piece and okay I can see better where you're coming from now. I respect your point but I still think you are a bit rough on David Simon here.

I agree it would have taken some balls to look deeper into that historical part of it true but the parts on Season 2 he did was the parts that worked for me. That was the plot I enjoyed the most.

So you think he ducked out of tackling some major issues that should have been covered on the show? You know what maybe you're right but I still remain convinced that the Wire hit the mark in reflecting the changing landscape of our times better than most.

Last edited by SEAN_SOUTH; 04/01/13 06:53 PM.

'So I say, “Live and let live.” That’s my motto. “Live and let live.” Anyone who can’t go along with that, take him outside and shoot the motherfucker. It’s a simple philosophy, but it’s always worked in our family.'

George Carlin