Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: ht2

Yeah wait a minute. It's not so simple when the issue spills into other areas of life. What about adoptive agencies who refuse gay couple candidates because it violates their personal beliefs? Isn't someone telling them what to do?

It's again very simple. If they are a private organizations, they have a right to be as selective as they want. If they are a public organization, they would have to keep their beliefs out of their system. The same code of separation of religion from government applies to them. But I surely don't think if my bigoted aunt Sally wants to give her kid up for adoption, she has to be open minded about a gay couple. She can give it away to whomever she chooses. rolleyes

I know you're trying to be fair on this issue, but unfortunately this is not what is happening in the real world. Massachusetts law forbids private adoptive agencies from steering away from gay couples and Catholic agencies have dropped adoptive services in that state. If your Aunt Sally lived in Mass., I'm not sure she would be able to abide by her personal convictions. Boy scouts are another example. This idea that gay marriage doesn't hurt anybody else is a lie.