As I was reading through AOL News this morning, I found out that a Black, former crack addict on parole was beaten 11 times with a flash light by a cop who thought he had a gun. It turned out to be wire cutters. I can only imagine how much money this guy will get out of this.

I thought to myself after having an intriguing conversation with our Don the other night, "What really is a racial slur?" I want to let everyone know that my intent of making this post is not to offend, but rather to get a better understanding.

We know what would happen to a White person if they called a Spanish or Black person a "sp-c" or "n-gger," and I'm pretty sure that would be good for a lawsuit, getting kicked out of school, or being fired from your job.

Then I think to myself, what if a Black or Spanish person calls a White person a "cra-ker, h-nky, or w-gger?" The answer is simple: Nothing. Some may argue that those words are not offending to the White person, but why can't a White person argue back that "sp-c" or "n-gger" are the same exact thing?

I think that the whole slavery thing is bullshit too. Blacks were called 'n-ggers' back then, and it effects them today. No, they say it effects them so they can sue and get money. What are your thoughts?

This may be my last volume and post depending how this goes. I haven't decided yet. -Pat

"After every dark night, there's a bright day right after that. No matter how hard it gets, stick your chest out, keep your head up, and handle it." -Tupac Shakur