Originally Posted By: fathersson
Wow, there sure is a lot of name calling going on in here. That always shows signs of a weak position.

Answer this, oh smart ones. If Gay union is so right then how about the man who wants to take several wives, why would that be so wrong.

How about close family members bonded together if they want...

and why is it right for a single person to pay more taxes then a couple? Shouldn't everyone pay their fair share then. Why should they pay more.
Come on...let us take that ride down that slippery slope ....

Frankly, I've nothing against all of these marriages as long as parties to these marriages are consenting adults.

I suppose less tax for married people is a marriage incentive. That's only one of the marriage perks though, I'd say inheritance tax would be a double taxation and that's not really fair. Moreover, the visitation rights, the parenting rights, and the right to choose for one's spouse when they can't choose for themselves is more important. If you ask me, I'm not the one who would be advocating marriage incentives, but to be fair, I could see people living more positive and more fulfilling lives being married than being single. So a little tax incentive wouldn't kill anyone.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones