I encouraged Pat to write his feelings about this topic obviously because it is a subject that is very important to me. Let me be clear that my feelings on marriage,etc could not be further than Pat's, but he does have respect and understanding when he speaks to me, which shows that no matter what your backround is or beliefs are, you can still hold respect for the people unlike you.

I think a problem that many people have with homosexuality is that many of them cannot put a face or a personality with the act that the feel is so disturbing. I absolutely do believe that that problem is slowly, but surely being resolved as the generations go by.

America's controversy about gays is much more religiously base than other countries, an i can respect that. With that said, i do not believe that those religous standings will continue into the future. For example, that gay marriage would be considered an ultimte sin is one thing, but i do not for one moment believe that anyone i know who says that would actually not wish me well should i persue marriage in the future.

The world is changing,and thankfully so. I actually for a time praised certain political leaders for this change, but i actually have discovered the true impact of the 1997-98 years when Ellen Degeneres and George Michael 'came out'. Anyone who was not socially aware at that time or after, is going to be left in the dust. And i couldn't feel prouder.

Thank you Pat for starting this very serious, yet provocative topic.