Joe, I'm going to admit I'm probably the worst culprit here when it comes to insults. However I feel you know me a little more than just the board! With that said I'm not condoning my, yours or anyone else's behavior! What I will say is if you take our private conversations where we have has regarding this type topic where we have shared each others opinions and agreed to disagree you'll be much better off than turning into a grumpy old man like myself! I think you'll admit we have spoken like gentleman to each other about this and many other social issues and have never resorted to my typical board nastiness! And we still both got our points across. As for Ivy I appreciate his knowledge of religion, politics and many other issues of the day. I generally agree with him(excluding Fat Tony Salerno being the best mobster of all time and boss)! Ivy has the Theologian view points that I can relate too, I can however relate to your opinions seeing you pull from more of an emotional side of things in lieu of scripture. And truthfully who fucking knows who is right and who is wrong! My point, stay out of the mud and don't become old and grumpy fighting battles that you in your heart believe in online! It's rare your going to change someone's opinion and you'll only get older faster doing it! As for me, I'll always say its Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve and time for another drink! And maybe I'll even try a Cape Cod! Vodka sounds good on our Lords day and I'm out of wine!

"Because I'm the Boss"

Tony Salerno