Originally Posted By: jace
I'm against it. It has an effect on children. It's abnormal. The arguments for it, such as any 2 people in love should be able to marry can be used to support incest
too. Letting them adopt children is disgusting to me, and that is another problem which people are forgetting or ignoring.

What are you an idiot? That has to be the most ignorant and prejudiced statement I've heard in awhile, and that counts all that ivy says on this subject. You really think a child can't be raised by two men or two women? There are people among us today who were raised by gay couples and turned out fine. You want an example? Zach wahls, a young man raised by two lesbians. Just look him up you'll see what I'm talking about.

Honestly there are heterosexual couples out there that should NOT have children at all. Not to say straight parents can't raise kids quite the opposite. But there's no reason not to give gays that chance. I know 4 people who were raised by lesbian couples and they are wonderful, productive people. If you think that gays can't or shouldn't adopt or to use Ivys moronic words "evil" you really need to double check your head for a tumor.

Family is about love and care, it's not about who raises a child, but what kind of parental guidance it receives. And gay couples can do that just as well as straight ones

"Don't ever go against the family again. Ever"- Michael Corleone